Monthly Archives: May 2017

Linked to…

The usual journalese usage of “linked to” is in connection with criminal activities. In our dictionary, we define “Linked” as: “Not quite alleged, but close to it.” However, one of the most unusual usages was in a Boston Globe headline, May 14, 2017, over a New York Times story: “Children linked to Mary made saints.” With the subhead: “Claimed visions at Fátima in early 20th century.” The story , datelined… Read Article →

Oh, you mean that Harvard!

Another example of the Journalese Law of Curved Yellow Fruit (a.k.a. banana) from The Boston Globe, May 11, 2017: “Archivists from Harvard University have released what they say is the earliest known voice recording of the late president John F. Kennedy, a nearly two-minute clip of the future politician as a young man that was made while he studied at the renowned Cambridge institution.” This, of course, makes sure that… Read Article →

Crustaceans and curved yellow fruit law.

Faithfully following the Journalese Law of the Curved Yellow Fruit (aka banana), reporters and editors dare not use the word “lobster” twice in a sentence. Associated Press, on May 10, 2017, had this lede: “PORTLAND, Maine — New restrictions are coming to southern New England’s lobster fishery in an attempt to save the area’s population of the crustaceans, which has dwindled as waters have warmed.” A few days earlier, Boston’s… Read Article →

Best (or worst) teaser.

Today’s best (or worst) teaser (aka clickbait) headline was by AOL News (May 8, 2017), with this one: “Popular US city moves to impeach Trump.” Open the story and the mystery city is revealed: Los Angeles. Darn, I thought it was going to be East Overshoe, Mississippi.

Ethnic neighborhood and Dr. Spock

Our journalese dictionary definition of ethnic: “Any person who might speak something other than English and who isn’t a WASP.” Ethnics are never used in the singular, such as “Pedro is an ethnic.” An ethnic neighborhood is a euphemism for a poor neighborhood. An example was in a story about a PBS documentary, in The Boston Globe, May 4, 2017: “Leonard Nymoy grew up in Boston’s old West End, before… Read Article →

International outrage

Ever wonder how reporters know exactly how the world feels about something? Sitting in newsrooms in New York or Los Angeles, reporters say or write with great authority that something is “internationally condemned” or “violates international law” or “is accepted worldwide.” An example was in an ABC TV news report, April 30, 2017, about President Trump’s invitation to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to the visit him at the White House…. Read Article →